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Chambers of Commerce promote and improve trade, commerce, and the economic and social welfare for their areas. They develop and present a cross-section of opinions of the business community to the municipal, regional, and provincial governments to guide decisions that lead to a healthy business environment


Business leaders from the community form a Board of Directors that are elected to represent the business community in decisions, advocacy to Government, and in facilitating the many benefits available for members.  

"The real challenge is the commitment to change, to embrace what will work for businesses and community, 

and being prepared to abandon old traditions and comfortable thinking."  

Island Aurora


One of the chamber's most important roles is that of an advocate for members and the business community at large.  In this role, the chamber works with all levels of government - municipal, regional district, provincial, and federal - to promote the interests of business in the community.  This may be in response to emerging issues, at the direction of the chamber’s board of directors.  Some chambers develop their own Policy Development Sessions, where members identify issues of concern and present their own resolutions for consideration with local, regional and Provincial Governments. 


Another important service is benefit programs, which offer valuable discounts and programs to your chamber members.  These benefits are negotiated either nationally through the Canadian Chamber of Commerce or provincially through the BC Chamber of Commerce.  

Some of these benefits, such as the group insurance program and merchant services, provide non-dues revenue to chambers by paying out an administrative fee when your members sign up.  Some are paid to your chamber on a monthly basis and some quarterly or annually.


As a member we encourage you to take full advantage of a diverse benefits package offering discount programs, marketing opportunities, learning sessions, business referrals and much more! Visit our member benefits page and see an updated list of actionable benefits to help your business save money. For a further list of benefits available to the Chamber Network through BC Chamber, go to 


As a business network, there are many great ways to provide educational and networking opportunities for members.  Seminars and workshops, webinars, monthly Mixers or Business After Business, trade shows, Business-4-Breakfast, the Annual General Meeting, Business Excellence Awards,  Lunch Mobs,  and many more. This is YOUR chamber, and we need feedback on what you want as a member. 

You can also reach the community by advertising opportunities through our e-blasts, social media channels and newsletters.


Make Port McNeill & the surrounding district a better place to work and live by supporting healthy business policy, and forming meaningful partnerships with other organizations and groups in order to further business development within the region.

Healthy businesses are the backbone of a healthy community.


The Port McNeill and District Chamber of Commerce mission is to support, connect and advocate for local business.


 - Integrity in our actions, relationships & outcomes

- Excellent Service to our members, community and visitors

- Respect for our businesses, community and environment

- Accountability to our members, community and environment

- Collaboration between business, government, industry and community

- Recognition of our member's contributions and achievements.


Role of the Board of Directors 

A chamber of commerce board of directors is responsible for chamber governance.   The structure and mandate of the board is specified in the chamber’s bylaws.


"Governance" is a combination of both overall processes and the structures that are used in directing and managing the organization's operations and activities. "Stewardship" is the responsibility of the board of directors and involves the active oversight by the board of the organization's governance to ensure process is followed and working.


  • Governing the organization by establishing and following broad policies and objectives

  • Selecting, supporting and reviewing the performance of the senior staff person

  • Ensuring the availability of adequate financial resources

  • Approving annual budgets that support a strategic plan

  • Being accountable to the stakeholders (chamber members) for the organization's performance 


Chamber members elect directors and give them the authority to run the organization. The individuals, working as a board team, remain accountable to chamber members for what happens to the organization. 


Research suggests that high performing boards are more likely to have: 

  • Competent board and staff leadership 

  • Board engagement in strategic planning 

  • Focus on results for the business community 

  • Positive relationships with key stakeholders including local and regional Governments

  • A high degree of agreement on the values and mission of the Chamber Network

  • A process for monitoring achievement of objectives 

  • Good financial stewardship 

  • Clear lines of accountability 

  • Sufficient board independence from staff management to make objective decisions (based on sound information that is systematically gathered) 

  • Good meeting management 

  • Commitment to board self-evaluation and development 

  • An organizational culture that encourages good teamwork, respect for organizational norms, values staff and encourages excellence 

  • Governance training to understand how the process creates good advocacy, policy, and equality in the membership


Some key principles boards must embrace: 

  • Members must drive the overall workplan, and the organization needs to be disciplined in reaching out to engage members in formal ways

  • Organizational performance must be tied to the goals and strategies the board has set to increase value for members.  The board must determine the measures of success for the organization as well as for the board itself.

  • A board has many roles but fulfilling the mission and conducting strategic planning are at the top of the list. In addition to a duty of care and loyalty, other responsibilities of the board include: 

    • overseeing and monitoring organizational performance

    • ensuring the prudent management of resources

    • hiring and evaluating the senior staff person

    • conducting its own board development and planning for succession; and

    • setting and reviewing policies

  • If the board and senior staff lead are not truly operating in partnership, the organization will never realize its potential. 


 "The real challenge is the commitment to change, to embrace what will work for the business community, and being prepared to abandon old traditions and comfortable thinking."  

  • At the beginning of each year we determine what is most important to the board and chamber

  • Review the board agenda to ensure time is provided at each meeting to discuss strategic issues and whether the organization is moving its strategies forward. This will be in addition to the board’s oversight responsibilities (monitoring performance and knowing the status of its resolutions). Before the end of meetings, we aim to ask directors to discuss how the board might improve its own performance and effectiveness ("this has been a good meeting, how might we make the next one even better?").

  • Board self-assessment is part of the deal. Some may be thinking, "How can I evaluate someone who is donating their time?" You can. We do. Not-for-profit organizations are legal businesses and transparency and accountability are very important to the members. 

Part of the responsibility one assumes when accepting a director position is performance evaluation. It is imperative that this is agreed upon upfront, and that the evaluation method is objective and known by the directors and Chamber Membership. 

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