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The Chamber is the voice of business to Government, a source of business information, and a guide for community economic development.   


We lobbying to local, provincial and federal government, and we have a longstanding connections to media for discussion around the things that matter to business.  There are financial benefits in the Chamber Network, with money saving offers from partner organizations, and helpful benefit packages from Insurance Providers. We also offer volunteer positions for people who want to make a difference in the community. 

Fill out our online application below to become a Chamber member, or download our application!

Online Membership Application for 2023 - Join the Chamber Network

It's been 60 years since the founders of the Port McNeill & District Chamber of Commerce inaugurated a Chamber of Commerce to help establish the incorporation of the town of Port McNeill on the Traditional Shared Territory of the Kwakiutl and 'Namgis First Nations, and the Port McNeill Chamber is acknowledging this milestone in community development and offering a free membership to all North Island & Kwakwaka'wakw businesses in 2023!


As a community of practice in business, we know it's time to evolve again out of the old model of a Chamber of Commerce and into a new, inclusive group intent on healthy business and community development - while providing our core services and the benefits you've come to depend on.

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