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Working Together for Business Benefits


  • Business referrals

  • Website exposure- Feature your business on the Chamber Homepage

  • Networking opportunities

  • Access to the Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan

  • Business advocacy

  • Simplify payments with TD Merchant Services

  • Reduce your fuel bill through discount cards


The Port McNeill Chamber of Commerce uses the power of the Provincial and National Chamber Network to bring you options in insurance. 


Accessible Insurance for All - A Member Benefit


The Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan has been protecting Canadian firms for over 40 years. More than 30,000 small to midsize businesses choose the Chambers Plan to protect their employees with comprehensive group benefits, including Health and Dental insurance, making it Canada’s #1 employee benefits plan for small business.

The Chambers Plan is the simple, stable, smart choice for business; combining accessibility, flexibility and the stability of pooled benefits. Firms choose the Chambers Plan year after year because it offers unsurpassed value and customer service.
The Chambers Plan – it’s for your benefit.


Your Chambers Plan Advisor:

Darren Kardynal

Glacierview Financial
1744 England Ave
Courtenay, BC V9N 2P6 



  • Covers all industries including one person firms, home business and farms

  • Dental and Health options

  • Guarantee Renewable Contract

  • Fully pooled price stability

  • Business Overhead Benefits

  • RRSPs


If you are interested in benefits, or in making a switch, contact Darren at 250-338-7577 and he can walk you through the benefits and potential savings.  Your patronage of the Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance plan not only supports employee health but also business and business advocacy in Canada. 


Affordable Point-of-Sale Systems



The British Columbia Chamber of Commerce in partnership with VersaPay is pleased to announce some exciting changes to our current VersaPay program. This program offers new highly competitive Credit Card processing rates along with a new feature for our members called the VersaPay Platform.

  • Visa: 1.49%

  • Mastercard: 1.49%

  • Interac: 5¢

  • ICT 220 Terminal (Comes with IPP 320): $34.99/mo


Why use FirstData?


Your versapay Plan Advisor

Please refer to the Versapay Fact Sheet for further information on these two options. Or visit or contact Chris Browes at 1.888.318.8729 or


First Data


The Canadian Chamber of Commerce and First Data, a leader in the electronic payment processing industry, have partnered to bring you exclusive benefits to help grow your business. Together we are ready to help you with preferred pricing and products for merchant services tailored to suit your needs.

Exclusive Rates:

Discount Rate/Transaction Fees*

  • Visa 1.49%

  • MasterCard 1.55%

  • Card Brand 0.15%

  • NQA 0.27%

  • Interac® Debit $0.05/Transaction

  • Monthly Account Fee $5.00

*additional processing fees may apply

For more information, check out the First Data flyer visit or contact Patrick Horszynski at 905.602.3555 or email

Chambers of commerce have a variety of risk exposures that require insurance coverage such as events, offices and visitors centres, assets and office equipment, board governance, websites, volunteers, legal expenses and in some cases, host liquor liability for community events.  All nonprofits and charities are eligible. 

Hotel & Car Rental Discounts


Exclusive Worldwide Hotel Discounts for Chamber Members.
BC Chamber members and their employees can receive exclusive hotel discounts in Canada and around the world for unlimited business or leisure travel. Over 120,000 hotel properties worldwide.

Fuel Saving Plans


The Fuel Business Card Program is available to all Chamber members. Savings are HUGE for businesses that burn fuel - please check out this detailed information about how to apply and save hundreds or thousands for your business annually. 

CLICK Here: Fuel Savings

Correspondance & Admin Support

Constant Contact is free for Port McNeill Chamber members after signing up, and business members receive a 20% discount on a a six-month subscription, or a 25% discount on a twelve-month subscription. Constant Contact provides newsletter, flyer and survey templates and more to enhance your communication with your customers.




Staples Advantage Website

Staples Advantage is the world’s largest business-to-business supplier of office essentials, print solutions, promotional products and office furniture solutions. Businesses know the challenges they face; Staples Advantage works with companies to build a specialty program that meets their demands.

BC Chamber members can access the Staples Advantage discount program, which provides savings on office essentials, print solutions and more.


Legal Protection


We offer three levels of legal protection for different sizes of small businesses. That way, you only pay for what you need. Whichever you choose, we help your business with any legal matter, from legal consultation and contract reviews to debt collection and more. And since your dedicated law firm is prepaid, its sole focus is on serving you, rather than billing you.


For video information click here

Payworks' innovative online solutions for payroll, human resources, and employee time management increase payroll accuracy and reduce costly errors.  Features include: direct deposits, automatic government remittances, year-end tax filing/T4s submission and electronic records of employment. Payworks Chamber of Commerce affinity pricing offers members access to Payworks' payroll solutions at a member discount.

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