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Chamber Member Benefits - Save At The Pump

Did you know? Your Chamber Membership can save you real money on everything from hotel stays, employee benefits, hotel and car rentals, and fuel?? Yes! The membership you purchased to enroll your business with the Port McNeill Chamber can save you 3¢ a litre at Petro Canada, Shell, and even Esso, if you are a member contact Jessica today to find out how to save, Today we will focus on Petro-Can.

I’m pleased to introduce Petro-Canada’s SuperPass program to you. This unique no fee fuel card offers: total flexibility, control, security and cost management. I am confident that SuperPass represents a valuable benefit to you or your company.

* Each Petro-Canada SuperPass card comes with a confidential Personal Identification Number (PIN) that helps to prevent unauthorized use. * You gain added control over fleet management with the ability to track every vehicle and driver through individual card restrictions and spending limits. * SuperPass cards have controlled access to both retail stations and Petro-Pass Card-lock sites. * You can manage your expenses and control SuperPass card features anytime you want, 24 hours a day using SuperPass Online. Through a secure login you can: order extra cards, change restrictions, cancel cards, check Petro-Pass pricing, down-load reports and receive your statement digitally.

As a valued member of The Port McNeill and District Chamber of Commerce you now qualify for the following discounts off retail fuel purchases:

All grades of gas & diesel: 3. 0 cents per litre* Car Wash: 10 % *

*Off monthly statement, retail purchases only. Our representative is happy to quote Petro-Pass pricing for your SuperPass account. Petro-Canada also brings you On-Site/Bulk fuel deliveries.

If you have any questions about Petro-Canada’s SuperPass program please feel free to contact Jessica. She is happy to get you in touch with our Suncor representative directly who appreciates the opportunity to personally outline the capabilities of Petro-Canada’s SuperPass program.

Jessica McLaughlin Executive Director Call or Text 250-230-3752 Email

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