Businesses: Apply for Period 4 of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy - application opens tomorrow
Port McNeill, B.C. - The CEWS program is extended, and your small business can benefit from the extension of CEWS - the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy program - that now runs through to August 29th, 2020. The June 7th to July 4th application period opens on July 8th, 2020 - read more below form the Canada Revue Agency.

The Government announced on May 15, 2020 that the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) would be extended by an additional 12 weeks, to August 29, 2020.
Period 4 Update
Applications for period 4 of the CEWS (June 7 to July 4) will open on July 8, 2020.
Number of claims to date
The CEWS protects jobs by helping businesses keep employees on the payroll and encourages employers to re-hire workers who were previously laid off. As of June 29, 2020 more than 555,860 applications have been approved, providing $17.09B in support. To view the complete data summary since launch, go to Claims to date – CEWS.
Change a claim you submitted
You may request adjustments to applications you have already submitted. To change a previous wage subsidy claim, visit:
· My Business Account, or
If you applied using the Web Forms application and need to change your claim, you may call CRA’s business enquiries phone number. For more information, go to Change a claim you submitted.
For more information about the CEWS, go to Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy.
Media Relations Canada Revenue Agency 613-948-8366