North Island artisans, farmers, shops and micro businesses: "Island Comeback" offers a fre
Port McNeill, B.C., August 2020 - The Port McNeill Chamber of Commerce (PMCC) is working with the Rural Islands Economic Partnership, the Regional District of Mount Waddington (RDMW) and the Port Hardy Chamber of Commerce on a COVID recovery program that put money in the pockets of small businesses and artisans.
The "Island Comeback" program was dreamt up by the Rural Islands Economic Partnership to help the artisans and small and micro businesses that are the backbone of rural island economies. Originally promoted by the RDMW Economic Development Officer Pat English and the RDMW's COVID Recovery Committee, through this innovative program supporters of small business and patrons of the arts can send money to the businesses they love and support through buying gift cards, or making a patrons' donation.
The steps are easy:
1. Register for a Strip Merchant Account
2. Register your business at - upload pictures and a description
3. Get Promoted!
Special thanks to Pat English and Damaris Sadler for their work in bringing this to the Port McNeill & District Chamber of Commerce!

No fuss, no muss! Let your patrons be patrons, let your Auntie, Uncle, or high school friend buy a gift card for your business!
Contact us or Island Comeback for more details.