BC Chambers are working through COVID Recovery Playbooks: An opportunity to share
Port McNeill, B.C. - Submitted by Kerry Jothen, Project Consultant.
With funding from the Province of British Columbia, the BC Chamber of Commerce is developing and distributing regional “Small Business Resiliency, Restart and Transition to Recovery Playbooks” to provide small businesses across the province with strategies to effectively respond and adapt to COVID-19 workforce challenges during and after the pandemic.
We will be developing and distributing a Playbook for each of BC’s 7 regions by March 2021. These are intended to be about planning and preparing but is also very tactical and about taking action now on workforce, workplace and operational challenges, needs, risks and opportunities precipitated and/or exacerbated by the pandemic.
The Playbooks are toolkits of hands-on strategies to help businesses manage pandemic-produced workforce challenges. They will be online, desktop-published, user-friendly, easy-to-navigate with use of hyperlinks and templates for tools, etc.
This project will complement the work of others such as WorkSafeBC, Small Business BC, the BC Small Business Roundtable and individual industry sector associations.
Please see the accompanying Invitation and Project Backgrounder for more information.
Regional Focus Groups
In order to inform the development of these Regional Playbooks, we will be holding a two-hour virtual focus group for each region on February 2ndthrough February 5th. Each will be facilitated by our project consultant, Human Capital Strategies, and a short document will be provided to participants in advance.
If you have experience and/or useful insights on how to deal with the workforce, workplace or operational challenges of COVID-19 and can suggest useful content for the Regional Playbooks, please join us.
Applying to Participate (by January 22, 2021)
The Regional Focus Groups will be held on the following times and dates for the following regions. They will be using Zoom videoconference technology.
Vancouver Island/Coast Region Focus Group – 10:00 a.m. to Noon, Friday, February 5, 2021
Please provide the following information in an email to Kerry Jothen at kjothen@humancapitalstrategies.ca by 4:30 p.m., Friday, January 22, 2021:
Contact Name: ________________________________________________________________
Organization Name: ________________________________________________________________
Position: ________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________
Region: ________________________________________________________________
Community: ________________________________________________________________
We will acknowledge your email and confirm your participation as soon as possible.
Kerry Jothen
Project Manager
Kerry Jothen, B.A., M.A.
I gratefully acknowledge that I live, work, and play in the unceded and traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples.
I have read The Truth and Reconciliation (Summary) Report of Canada - I challenge you to do so too! See trcreadingchallenge.com
