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'Innovation Island' shares another opportunity: the Tech Resiliency Program may be for you

Port McNeill, B.C. - January 2021 Innovation Island has once again come forward with a program formed to help businesses. Read below for more information from our local allie and advocate Jennifer @innovationisland

"Happy New Year I hope 2021 is starting off well for you and your members, save our trying times.

I would briefly like to introduce you to a program that Innovation Island has been running called the Tech Resiliency Program (TRP). For those of you who are familiar with our Venture Acceleration Program, the TRP program is similar, however, it’s running for a limited time (ending in February) and it is being offered at no cost. The program is being led by Janet Bongauro who is also our Business Advisor from DER3, with support from Graham Truax, our Executive in Residence.

While the TRP is “mostly” focused on technology companies we have a few remaining spots that can be filled by companies “working” with technology or who are simply innovating in interesting ways. The TRP team works to address individual business challenges and opportunities through one-on-one mentoring and advisory services.

As part of this program Innovation Island is also hosting a number of special webinar info-sessions for Chambers (by region) in order to share information on the program and touch on some of the key topics we’ve been addressing with other businesses in the program.

Some examples of topics include:

  • How to build a POC (proof of concept) or MVP (Minimum Viable Product for new business offerings

  • How to produce an effective competitive analysis that supports growth

  • Ways to ensure product-market fit

  • How to develop an effective marketing strategy

  • Startup and growth financing stages and financing readiness checklists

  • Business management advice to set your company up for growth or sale

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Registration Information

Webinar for “Northern” Region Chambers – Click for Description

Tech Resiliency Program (TRP) Information Session (North Region)

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

When: Jan 13, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

If you need anything else for promotion in your newsletters, direct emails or social media, please let me know. If you have any further questions I am happy to discuss, please give me a call at 250 753 8324.



Jennifer Hufnagel | General Manager


#13 – 327 Prideaux Street | Nanaimo, BC | V9R 2N4

C: 250.667.2323 | O: 250.753.8324

About Innovation Island

For the past 20 years, Innovation Island has been instrumental in fostering and encouraging growth in the regional technology sector; serving greater Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands and the Sunshine Coast. As a non-profit service provider we are partners in the BC Acceleration Network, proudly delivering the Venture Acceleration Program and other services.



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