Meet & Greet the Honourable Michele Babchuk, MLA - February 24th @ 4:00pm
Port McNeill, B.C. - Port McNeill & District entrepreneurs and business owners have an opportunity to meet & greet the Honourable Michele Babchuk MLA for the North Island Electoral Area on February 24th, 2021. See information from the PMCC email below.
February 2, 2021
Dear Business Community,
Honourable Michele Babchuk, MLA has opened her calendar on February 24th at 4:00pm for a meet and greet with
Port McNeill & District entrepreneurs and business owners.
This meeting will be facilitated by the Port McNeill Chamber of Commerce. After an introduction from the Honourable Michele Babchuk there will be a Q&A session about the topics that matter most to you.
This meeting will be hosted on zoom, or you may dial in by phone.
Chamber Members have been emailed a link, please contact us for zoom information!
Thank you, Gilakas'la, in advance to Ms. Babchuk for this time, and to our members for your engagement on business matters of a Provincial purview.
Your Port McNeill & District Chamber of Commerce Board 2021

Photo: The Hounorable Michele Babchuk.
Retrieved from @mbabchuk photos online.
Zoom & Call-In Link