North Island employers can get up to $20,000 for hiring up to two, new first-year apprentices
Contributed by Kyla Lee

Port McNeill/Kwakwaka'wakw Territories, B.C. July 8, 2023 - Any small or medium size company in construction or manufacturing that hires and sponsors a new first-year apprentice can qualify for up to $10,000 per first-year apprentice, and you can hire up to two apprentices.
This is the last year of the program, and trades-oriented businesses have an opportunity to receive this funding (before the money runs out.) Take a look at the program Apprenticeship Service -
The Canadian Apprenticeship Support Program (CASP) is an intermediary to the Federal Government to distribute the funding to small and medium size businesses under 500 employees. So far, CASP has distributed over 5 million dollars and 600 new 1st year apprentices hired/sponsored in their trade.
These funds are through the Federal Government - it's your businesses and tax dollars at work that fund these programs. Please reach out if you think you may benefit, there are people to help support you in getting this funding and paperwork done! It's time to make these programs work for you.
Below are the steps to qualify for the funding.
Step 1) PRIOR to hiring, register your company on . The CASP team will send you additional documents to sign and send back.
Step 2) Register the first-year apprentice with Employer Resources | ITA BC now known as SkilledTradesBC as a sponsor. Once your apprentice is registered and you have your signed Apprentice and Sponsor Registration form from SkilledTradesBC, share Appendix B – New Apprentice Hire Checklist with your apprentice and have them fill it out.
Step 3) When the CASP team receives App B, I’ll reach out to you finalize payment and to ask for a copy of the signed Apprentice and Sponsor Registration form from SkilledTradesBC. Your payment will be processed for $5,000 or $10,000 if the individual self-identifies as one of the six equity-deserving groups (EDG: woman, indigenous person, newcomer to Canada, person with disabilities, visible minority, or LGBTQ2+ individual)
You can incentivize up to 2 apprentices starting now to March 31st, 2024.
Step 4) CASP also offers support for each apprentice hired through supervisor training. We know that part of the problem with new staff is supervision - up the capacity in your organization incrementally and look at succession!
Want to talk to someone live? Connection Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 4:00 with
Adrienne Copeland
CASP Apprenticeship Coordinator
(236) 999-4758
